Define colors for release status values

  1. Go to the Reusable Elements tab.
  2. Right-click the User Interface Groups node and select Create New Style Group.
  3. Click the new style group node and set the attributes:
    • Name: Change the name to a meaningful name for display in the explorer in Alfabet Expand.
    • Caption: Change the caption to a meaningful caption for display in the Alfabet user interface in the views to edit the coloring for a new custom theme.
    • Type: Select Enum.
  4. For each release status, do the following:
    1. Right-click the style group node and select Create Style.
    2. Click the new style node and change the Name and Caption attributes to match one of the release status values in your release status definition.
    3. Expand the style node, click the child nodes and set the Default Color attribute for the following colors:
      • Chart Color: The color used in business charts to represent the release status value.
      • Background Color: The background color used in data workbenches and content areas for the release status value.
      •  Border Color: The border color used in data workbenches and content areas for the release status value.
      •  Color: The font color used for the text of the release status value in data workbenches and content areas.


  5. Go to the Presentation tab.
  6. Double-click XML Objects > ReleaseStatusDefs.
  7. In the XML element Status of a release status value, add the XML attribute UIStyle and set it to <NameOfStyleGroup>:<NameOfStyle>