Add the custom themes view to the user interface

Administrative users can change existing custom themes or add new custom themes on the user interface. In addition, administrative users can exclude existing custom themes from the range of custom themes which are available to the user to select from. You must add the Customer Themes functionality to the administrative user profile to enable administrative users to configure color themes. Functionalities of the user interface are business function configuration elements. You must add the business function configuration element to the left side navigation menu of a user profile to add it to make it available to users.

A user profile for an administrative user already exists.

If you want an icon to be displayed in front of the menu item, you first need to upload the icon to an icon gallery. .

  1. Go to the Admin tab in Alfabet Expand.
  2. Expand the User Profiles node.
  3. Expand the node of the user profile for the administrator. You can see already existing menu items as sub-elements.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To add the functionality on the first level of the menu, right-click the node of the user profile and select Create Menu Item.
    • To add the functionality as sub-item of an existing menu item, right-click the node of the existing menu item and select Create Menu Item.
  5. Click the new menu item in the explorer and define the following:
    • Target Type: Select BusinessFunction.
    • Target: Select Themes.
    • Caption: Enter the text to be displayed in the left-side menu of the user interface.
    • Icon: If an icon shall be displayed in the left-side menu of the user interface on the left of the text, open the editor of the Icon attribute. Select the icon gallery containing the icon and then select the icon from the icon list.
    • Arguments: Leave this field empty.
  6. Click the parent node of the menu item to edit its attributes.
  7. Open the editor of the Sub-Items attribute, click the new menu item in the list and move it to the correct position in the list of menu items with the arrow buttons on the upper right of the editor.