Who are our vendors?
The business question Who are our vendors? provides insight to your company's reliance on vendors.
Understand which vendors provide components that your applications are dependent on and which vendors support mission-critical business capabilities. Review whether your company is at risk due to too much reliance on a single vendor or whether you might consolidate vendors in order to benefit from preferential rates from a single strategic technology partner.
Top 10 Vendors by Components: Shows the ten vendors providing the highest number of non-retired components. Point to a vendor name to display a tooltip with the number of components that the vendor provides. Double-click a vendor name in the report to go to its content area.
Applications Provided by Top 10 Vendors: Shows vendors that provide the most applications using the components provided by that vendor. The analysis is based on all non-retired applications using non-retired components. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the number of applications that the vendor provides. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a data workbench showing all applications provided by the vendor.
Vendors Providing End-of-Life Components: Focuses on vendors supporting components that are no longer used in the company.
Business Critical Vendors: Visualizes critical business capabilities per vendor.
Vendors Supporting IT Capabilities: Shows vendors and the IT capabilities they support.
This business question relies on data captured for vendors, components, applications, business capabilities, and IT capabilities. The following data is required in order to have meaningful results:
- For every component, the following should be defined:
- Vendor attribute
- The applications that use the component
- The lifecycle of the component
- Every business capability should have the Business Relevance attribute defined.
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the applications, business capabilities, components, vendors, and IT capabilities that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.