What is our CAPEX distribution?
The What is our CAPEX Distribution? is business question provides an overview of your projects and their costs.
The analytics visualize the current and planned project budgets on a yearly basis and identify the most important investment and divestment candidates. This business question helps you to understand whether your projects are in budget and on time.
Set filters for each view to understand project costs for business owner organizations, business capabilities, and various project groups. Review your current year projects per cost type so that you understand CAPEX trends, optimize project planning, and streamline the investment portfolio.
Cards showing applications costs: Point to the rescan button to see when the indicator was last updated. Click the button to rescan the costs based on the most recent data.
25 Most Expensive Projects by Cost Type: Shows a bar chart with the most expensive projects for the current year. Each bar shows a break down of the costs based on cost type.
Planned Budget by Cost Type: Shows the distribution of the planned project costs based on cost type. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the percentage of planned project costs for the cost type. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a report showing all projects with a cost specified for that cost type.
Planned Budget Over Time: Shows the total sum of the planned project budget for a 5-year time span. Point to a bar to display a tooltip showing the planned project budget spent for that year.
This business question relies on data captured for projects. For every project, the current year costs should be defined to have meaningful results for the business question.
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the projects that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.