Set units for display of values in cards

Cards display a number with optionally a heading, a description, and a unit behind the number. Administrative users can define a card for an indicator type or evaluation type. All users can define cards as data workbench visualization.

Users defining a card can select the unit to be displayed in the card from a drop-down list. This drop-down list shows all currencies and measurement units currently defined for the Alfabet application.

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Reference Data > Measurement Units.
  2. Click New > Create New Measurement Unit.
  3. Define the following:
    • Name: Enter a name for the measurement unit. When a user defines a card visualization for a data workbench or an indicator card, the currency name is displayed in the drop-down list of the unit selector field.
    • Description: Enter a description explaining the purpose of the measurement unit. The description is currently only displayed in the Measurement Units view.
    • Measurement Unit Code: This attribute is currently not used.
    • Measurement Unit Symbol: Enter a string, like for example % that shall be displayed as unit in indicator cards or data workbench card visualizations.