Prepare the data workbench for data collection

You must ensure that all of the relevant columns are available in the data workbench so that end users can carry out their data collection activities. The data workbench should include columns so that a user has enough information to recognize the asset as well as the columns needed to provide the data that is required.

The data quality rule checks whether a value exists for an attribute. If the value is missing for the attribute, the object will be added to the data workbench. The data quality rule does not check the value that is specified for the attribute.

A column Is Reviewed can also be added to the data workbench if you want users to confirm that the data has been checked for accuracy.

  1. Go to Data Quality Rules and click Data Collection Initiative.
  2. In the content area, go to a page to structure the data workbench to use for the data collection initiative you are configuring.
    • Application Context > Applications
    • Information Context > Information flows
    • Technology Context > Components, physical servers, virtual servers
  3. In the data workbench, click Structure to open the panel where you can change the columns in the data table. Columns that are included in the dataset are first in the list of columns.
    • Enter text in the search field to find a column.
    • Set a checkmark to include a column. Clear the checkmark to remove the column from the data table.