What is our service catalog?

The business question What is our service catalog? consolidates the most important information about the service portfolio in one place and helps to establish a single-source of truth for the service portfolio data. Maintaining an enterprise-wide service catalog saves time in project scoping and ensures that risks are mitigated when changes are made to the service landscape.

The license package Enterprise Architecture Management is required to work with this business question.

Service Types: Shows the number of services in the repository that are of the type business service vs. support services. Point to a doughnut slice to display the number of services of that type.

Business Capabilities: Visualizes the number of business services per business capability. Point to a bar to display the number of business services that support business capabilities. Click a bar to navigate to the content area of the business capability.

Organizations Providing Services: Visualizes the organizations providing business services and support services. Point to a bar to display the number of business services and support services that the organization provides. Click a bar to navigate to the content area of the organization.

Organizations Consuming Services: Visualizes the organizations consuming business services. Point to a bar to display the number of business services that the organization consumes.

Service Groups: Visualizes the number of business services and support services assigned to service groups capability. Point to a bar to display the number of business services and support services assigned to the support group. Click a bar to navigate to the content area of the service group.

Object State: Shows the number of services in the repository that have the object states Plan or Active. Point to a doughnut slice to display the number of services with the respective object state.

Business Services: Visualizes a data workbench showing business services including the service items that deliver the business services. Business services are delivered by applications, deployments, and support services.

Support Services: Visualizes a data workbench showing support services including the service items that deliver the support services. Support services are delivered by components and physical and virtual servers.

Business services and support services must be in the repository and well-documented. The following data is required for the business services and support services:

  • Start date
  • Lifecycle definition
  • Organization providing the business service or support service
  • Organization consuming the business service
  • Service group that the business service or support service is assigned to

Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.

Go to the Data Source page to review the business services and support services that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.