Understand and learn the product
To get started, explore Alfabet in order to understand the kind of data that can be captured and the analytics that may be useful to you. When you first access Alfabet, example data is available that you can play with. At this stage, Alfabet is a playground where you can experiment. You can create, change, and delete data in order to understand the product. Later when you are ready, you will clear the database of the example data and prepare Alfabet for your user community. Click here to access the Get Started guide that provides an overview of the Alfabet FastLane to users.
Review the functionalities available to the Portfolio Admin user profile. You can also explore other user profiles in order to understand how your user community will use the product. This will help you conceptualize the configuration needs for your user community.
Click a link below for guidelines about the methodology and tasks relevant for users with a specified user profile: