Who owns our technologies?
The business question Who owns our technologies? helps you to ensure that organizational responsibility is documented for all components in the technology portfolio. Understand which organizations are the IT owners or operations responsible of components and which components have no organizational ownership defined.
Look for gaps in organizational responsibility to mitigate risk to your company's IT infrastructure.
The license package IT Transformation Server - Enterprise is required to work with this business question.
The doughnut charts shows the percentage of components owned by organizations that have the roles Component Owner or Operations. The charts also indicate the percentage of the company's components that have no organizational ownership defined. Ideally every component has at least one organization defined as a Component Owner and one organization defined as with the Operations role.
Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the number of components owned by a specific organization. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a data workbench showing all components owned by the organization. You can edit an component's Component Owner or Operations role directly in the data workbench.
Components and organizations must be in the repository. For each component, an organization should be assigned the role Component Owner and Operations.
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the components and organizations that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.