Create a menu for the user profile

  • You have created the configuration objects like content areas nad data workbenches that shall be linked to the menu.
  • If an image shall be displayed in front of a menu item, you have uploaded the image to the icon gallery.

A new user profile is created with a default menu. You should change the configuration of the following default menu items to enable their functionality:

You can add new content to the menu:t

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To add a first level menu item, right-click the node of the user profile and select Create Menu Item.
    • To add a sub-item of an existing menu item, right-click the node of the existing menu item and select Create Menu Item.
    • To add a seperator line, right-click the parent node and select Add Separator.
  2. For each menu item you created, click the new menu item in the explorer and define the following:
    • Target Type: Select the type of configuration object the menu item shall open.
    • Target: Select the configuration object the menu item shall open.
    • Caption: Enter the text to be displayed in the left-side menu of the user interface.
    • Icon: If an icon shall be displayed in the left-side menu of the user interface on the left of the text, open the editor of the Icon attribute. Select the icon gallery containing the icon and then select the icon from the icon list.
    • Arguments: If you have selected BusinessFunction as Target Type and you have selected any of the standard business functions listed below as Target, you must specify arguments to define the link target. The syntax for this entry is ContextArgs=<Type of Argument>:<Value of Argument> (for example:ContextArgs=Explorer:COMG_Explorer or ContextArgs=Class:Application):
      •  Simple Search functionalities (GenericSearch , Simple_Search , Browse):
        • If the search functionality should be limited to a set of object classes, specify the object class names in a comma-separated format with the argument ContextArgs=<ObjectClassName> . For example, to search for an object in the object classes Application , Component , and ICTObject , enter the following: ContextArgs=Class:Application,Component,ICTObject.
        • If the search functionality should be limited to a set of object classes and object class stereotypes, specify the object class stereotype in the comma-separated list as: <ObjectClassName>:<ObjectClassStereotypeName>. For example, to include the application stereotypes BusinessApplication and TechnicalApplication in the list, enter: ContextArgs=Class:Application:BusinessApplication,Application:TechnicalApplication,Component,ICTObject.
      •  Capture Projects functionalities (PRJ_CaptureProjects and PRJ_CaptureProjects_Ex ): If the functionalities should open with the filter preset to a defined project stereotype. You must specify the project stereotype with the entry ContextArgs=<ProjectStereotypeName> . For example, ContextArgs=ProjectStep. It is recommended to use a data workbench instead of this business function.
      •  Generic Object Viewer functionality (GenericObjectViewer ): You must provide information about which object class can be searched via the Edit Search interface control. You must specify the object class name with the entry ContextArgs=Class:<ObjectClassName> . For example, ContextArgs=Class:Application.
      • If you set a link to a business function that includes more than one sub-functionality you must specify which sub-functionality should be accessed. If no sub-functionality is assessed, the default sub-functionality will be automatically displayed. Go to the Functions tab and expand the node of the business function in the Standard Business Functions explorer to see whether there is more than one sub-functionality. The syntax to specify the sub-functionality is ContextArgs=<Value of the Type attribute of the sub-functionality>=<Value of the Name attribute of the sub-functionality>.