How can I edit the applications in Where are our applications deployed?
- Go to the business question Where are our applications deployed? For each location deploying applications, a number is displayed in parenthesis next to the location name.
- Click the
edit button > and select either Edit Applications, Edit Physical Servers, or Edit Virtual Servers. Use the features of the data workbench to slice-and-dice your data to focus on data and do the analyses you are interested in.
Use the features of the data workbench to slice-and-dice your data to focus on data and do the analyses you are interested in:
- Click Structure and add or remove columns to the data table. Include relevant attributes and indicators to capture important data. A tooltip explains the purpose of each attribute, indicator, and role that you can add.
- Click Visualize to view the data in a different graphic visualization. You can save these visualizations to your content repository and used them in other content area pages.
Click here for details about how to take advantage of all functionalities of the data workbench.