How are Business Score and Technical Score calculated in What are our investment/retirement candidates?
Applications that do not have the required Business Score and Technical Score are not evaluated and thus not included in the business question.
Here's how the indicators are weighted for Business Score:
- BS - Business Relevance: 0 = Unknown / 1 = Business Operating / 2 = Business Enabling / 3 = not applicable / 4 = Business Evolving / 5 = Mission Critical.
- BS - Numbers of Users: 0 = 0 / 1 = 1-10 / 2 = 11-100 / 3 = 101-1.000 / 4 = 1.001-10.000 / 5>10.000
- BS - Ownership: 0 = Unknown / 1 = other role / 2 = not applicable / 3 = IT Owner / 4 = Business Owner / 5 = Business Owner and IT Owner.
- BS - Provided Capabilities: (0 = 0 / 1 = 1 / 2 = 2-3 / 3 = 4-5 / 4 = 6-7 / 5>7)
- BS - Using Organizations: (0 = 0 / 1 = 1 / 2 = 2-3 / 3 = 4-5 / 4 = 6-7 / 5>7)
Here's how the indicators are weighted for Technical Score:
- TS - Application Age (months): 0 > 120 / 1 = 73-120 / 2 = 49-72 / 3 = 25-48 / 4 = 12-24 / 5 < 24
- TS - Architecture Type: 0 = unknown / 1 = Mainframe / 2 = Distributed / 3 = Client Server / 4 = Stand Alone / 5 = Cloud Based ext. Webpage.
- TS - Vendor Support Lifespan (months): 0 <= 0 / 1 = 1-3 / 2 = 4-9 / 3 = 10-18 / 4 = 19-24 / 5 > 24
- TS - Development Type: 0 = unknown / 1 = not applicable / 2 = Bespoke / 3 = COTS-Customized / 4 = not applicable / 5 = COTS-Configured
- TS - Interfaces: 0 = 0 / 1 = 1 / 2 = 2-3 / 3 = 4-6 / 4 = 7-9 / 5 > 10