How can I edit the applications in What is our application roadmap?
Click Edit > Edit Applications. In the Applications data workbench. You can edit the following for an application.
- Object State: The object state describes the use of the application in the real world. This can be understood as the operational status of the application.
- Start Date and End Date: The start and end date captures the period when the application is actively running and can be used in the company. This is also when the Object State attribute should be specified as Active. Click the calendar icon to select the date or enter the date in the date format Month/Day/Year. For example: 4/30/2023
- Release Status: This is an approval status and typically indicates the level of quality of the information about the application.
- Strategic Application: Select the checkbox if the application is strategic for the company.
- Successor: The next application that will follow this application version.
You can navigate to the content area of an application and go to Overview > Application Lifecycle to specify the lifecycle statuses.