Save your favorites
Save the objects or views that you regularly use as favorites. Click the Favorites button in the header to save a view that your are working with. You can also save a favorite to an object by creating the favorite when you are in the object details view.
Access and manage your favorites. Go to the the Favorites section in the navigation panel and click the three-dots menu provides options to manage your favorites:
Create folders and sub-folders to structure your favorites. Click the Favorites node or a sub-folder, click the three-dots
> Create New Folder.
- Move a favorite to a folder. Drag-and-drop the favorite to a folder.
Edit a favorite. The name of the favorite can be changed and a description can be added for the favorite. Click the favorite, click the three vertical dots
button, and select Edit.
Share a favorite with you colleagues. When you share a favorite, the favorite will be available to all users in the user community. A shared favorite can only be deleted by the user who creates the favorite. Click the favorite, click the three vertical dots
button, and set a checkmark in the Share with Others checkbox.
Share a folder with you colleagues. When you share a folder, the folder and all shared favorites in the folder will be available to all users in the user community. A favorite that is not shared will not be included in the shared folder. A shared folder can only be deleted by the user who creates the folder. Click the folder, click the three vertical dots
button, and set a checkmark in the Share with Others checkbox.
Delete folders and favorites. If you delete a folder, all sub-folders and favorites in the deleted folder and sub-folders will be irretrievably deleted. If the favorites or folders are shared, they will be deleted for everyone in the user community. Click the folder or favorite to delete, click the three vertical dots
button, and select Delete.
Manage your folders and favorites. You can edit, delete, or restructure favorites and folders in the Favorites Management view. Click the Favorites node or a sub-folder, click the three vertical dots
button, and select Manage Favorites.