Get going as Resource Manager
The user profile Resource Manager is a dedicated profile for users that are responsible for maintaining the data relevant for project portfolio management and provides complete transparency of offered and requested resources across teams and organizations. The Home page includes a Resource Management view that offers a comprehensive overview of the availability and consumption of skills by organizations, teams, and projects. A Resource Analysis page allows the resource manager to understand expected resource constraints at any point in time. Extensive filtering is available to focus on specific organizations, quarterly periods, impacted projects, and requested resources. Rules can be set to highlight significant resource constraints so that action can be taken in a timely manner.
Additionally, the resource manager has various data maintenance views available and can capture a skills catalog that is the basis for specifying the skills organizations offer. The resource manager can administer resources on a higher organizational level in the new Resources page in the organization content area as well as on a granular level that focuses on who can provide the skill and when they can provide it. The resource manager also has an overview of the transformation projects including when they shall start and end and who the responsible project manager and architect are.