Jump Start Guide for New Customers

This information is an overview of how to prepare Alfabet for your user community. These first steps will help you to ready Alfabet so that you can roll it out to your user community. All steps are explained in detail in the documentation available for the Portfolio Administrator Guide user profile.

Where to begin:

NUMB_1  Acquaint yourself with Alfabet:
NUMB_2  Create user accounts for the users in your user community. Assign every user to at least one user profile to access Alfabet. Assign relevant users to user groups if they require read/write access permissions to the IT assets in the repository.
NUMB_3  After you have finished exploring the data in Alfabet, clear the sample data from the repository if you no longer want it. Everything will be removed except the user accounts you have created as well as the preconfigured reference and evaluation data.
NUMB_4  Get ready to import your data to Alfabet. Gather your lists of IT assets if you have them. Prioritize getting your business context such as organizations, business capabilities, etc. in the repository first in order to be more efficient. Decide which business questions you want to answer first and start importing your data via XLSX-based data capture templates.
NUMB_5  Once you have some data imported, check the quality of your data . Access Alfabet with the Portfolio Manager user profile and navigate to the business question or data workbench of a class that you have imported data for. Check the data quality reports for issues. Your goal is to get 100% of the data quality issues resolved to make your data reliable for your stakeholders.
NUMB_6  Let your user community know that they can begin working with Alfabet. Point them to the Get Started Guide for information about how to work with the product and let them know that there is also help explicit to their user profile so they know how to complete their tasks.
NUMB_7  Get help if you run into any issues or want to send us your ideas and suggestions.