Specify your diagram settings
Diagram settings determine various aspects of the canvas and diagram items in the diagram. Right-click in the canvas and select Other Actions > Diagram Settings to change the default diagram settings.
- Elbowed Connection: Set a checkmark if the information flows with an angle shall be automatically adjusted to have 90° angles. Clear the checkbox if you want information flows to be added as straight lines. Straight lines cannot be changed to have angles.
- Connection Smoothing Length: Enter an integer higher than 0 to define a curved angle for information flows. The higher the number, the more rounded is the curved angle.
- Draw Grid: Set a checkmark if a grid should be displayed.
- Grid Mode: Set a checkmark if the grid shall visualize alignment lines when moving and resizing shapes.
- Grid Size: Specify the size of the grid in the unit specified in the Diagram Size Unit attribute.
- Warn for Semantic Layout Changes: Set a checkmark to display a warning message if semantic changes are made to the diagram. A semantic change would be, for example, moving an application to another application group, thus creating a new reference.
- Automatically Rescan on Load: Set a checkmark to automatically display semantic changes made to an asset when the diagram is reloaded in the Alfabet user interface or Alfabet Diagram Designer. Clear the checkmark if semantic changes shall only be updated to the diagram when the Update button in the filter panel is triggered in the diagram's view in the Alfabet user interface or when the Refresh Diagram option in the Semantic Actions menu is triggered in the Alfabet Diagram Designer.
- Save Work in Progress:Set a checkmark to save the diagram automatically. The diagram will be saved even if a session timeout occurs. Specify the number of minutes in order to define how frequently the diagrams shall be saved in the Automatic Save Every <X> Minutes attribute.
- Landscape: Set a checkmark if the diagram should use the specified paper size in landscape mode. Remove the checkmark the diagram should use the specified paper size in portrait mode.
- Format: Select the paper format to be used as the default for diagrams. If you have defined Custom Format for the Format attribute, specify the Width and Height fields. In the Diagram Size Unit, specify whether the diagram width and height should be measured in pixel or millimeter.