What is our technical debt?
The business question What is our technical debt? shows applications and the components that the applications use and helps you understand the critical dependence that applications have on the technological components that they rely on to run.
Look for applications that will not be able to provide support to the business due to end-of-life technologies. This business question helps you to identify at-risk applications that are critical to the business and derive the necessary measures to mitigate potential risk before an application or component goes out of service.
The visualization is a Gantt chart that shows the lifecycles of all applications and the components that they use. Here's how to interpret the information:
- The first level shows
applications. The Strategic Application column shows a checkmark if the attribute is set to Yes for the application.
- The timeline shows a green bar visualizing the active period (start date - end date) of the application. If an application lifecycle is defined, lifecycle phases will be displayed in a multi-colored bar below the green bar:
Plan: The application has been identified and evaluated for possible use in company.
Implementation: Activities are underway to prepare the application for production.
Production: The application is being used in company.
Sunset: The application is still available but is not intended to be used for daily work.
Read-Only: The application is no longer used but is available for reasons of documentation and compliance.
Retired: The application should no longer be used.
- The second level shows the
components that the application runs on. The End Date Conflict column highlights if the end date of a component will be reached before the end date of the application that depends on the component.
- The timeline shows a grey bar visualizing the period between the component's start and end dates. If a component lifecycle is defined, lifecycle phases will be displayed by a multi-colored bar below the grey bar:
Manufacturer Supported: The technology is mature and is recommended for use in a production environment.
Manufacturer Extended Support: The technology is still available but should be avoided for use in a production environment.
- The blue vertical line indicates the current date.
Applications and components must be in the repository and well-documented. The following data is required about in order to have meaningful results:
- For each application, specify the End Date attribute and define the components that the application users.
- For each component, specify the End Date attribute
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the applications that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.