Where do we use sensitive data?
The business question Where do we use sensitive data? shows a CRUD matrix so that you can understand how an application uses business data.
This business question helps you to identify inconsistencies and redundancies in the way business data are used in the IT landscape. Review which applications process sensitive data, what kind of data is being handled, and what the application does with this data to identify potential risks you to your company's sensitive data.
The business question shows a CRUD matrix that describes how applications use business data. The report excludes all applications and business data without any CRUD operations.Here's how to interpret the information:
- The Y-axis shows applications
- The X-axis shows business data
- The corresponding cells are filled with a combination of the letters C, R, U, D thus indicating if and how an application uses the business data (C=Create, R=Read, U=Update, and D=Delete).
- Confidentiality, integrity, or availability indicators may be displayed on the applications. Point to the indicator to view a tooltip providing details or click the
3-dots button > Show Legend.
Applications and business data must be in the repository and well-documented. The following data is required to have meaningful results. For each business data:
- Data Classification attribute
- CRUD information
Go to the Data Quality page. The Data Completeness view indicates the data that is recommended for meaningful results to the business question. Scroll to the Pending Issues view to resolve the issues and to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the applications and business data that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.