What is our technology portfolio?
The business question What is our technology portfolio? offers a comprehensive analysis of the components in your IT and ensures a single source of truth about your technology portfolio.
Get an overview of the IT capabilities that are supported by the most components, which organizations own the most components, and the object states of the components in the technology portfolio. Review a master list of all components including indicators and the most important information about their relationships to other assets in the IT architecture.
The license package IT Transformation Server - Enterprise is required to work with this business question.
- IT Capabilities: The bar chart displays IT capabilities based on the number of supporting components. Point to a bar to display a tooltip with the name of the IT capability and the number of components supporting it. Click IT Capabilities to navigate to a larger view of the chart.
Component Owner: The doughnut chart shows organizations on the second level in the organization hierarchy based on the number of components that the organization is responsible for. This includes the components assigned to the subordinate organizations in the hierarchy. To understand how many components are owned by an organization on a subordinate level in the organization hierarchy, click the
local filter button and specify the organization's name.
- Object State: The pie chart shows number of components having an Active, Plan, and Retired object state.
- The Components data workbench shows a master list of all components. You can use all features of the data workbench to slice-and-dice your data to do the analyses you are interested in.
Components must be in the repository and well-documented to have meaningful results for this business question. Specify all attributes and KPIs for the components to ensure a single source of truth for all components in the technology portfolio.
Go to the Data Quality page. The Data Completeness view indicates the data that is recommended for meaningful results to the business question. Scroll to the Pending Issues view to resolve the issues and to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the component data that is used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.