Configure data capture templates

The Data Capture Templates view allows you to configure data capture templates to focus the data capture activity on your company's specific needs. You can configure a data capture template to capture data for object classes, references, and cost information. This process is involved and requires a good understanding of the class model and how classes reference other classes.

A data capture template for an object class describes the properties, role types, indicator types, and lifecycle phases that can be captured for that object class. The data capture template may also include queries or reports that will fetch specific objects in the object class. It also specifies whether users can potentially create new objects, modify data for existing objects, delete objects, or specify that no changes shall be made to objects in the XLSX file. You can generate the XLSX file based on the data capture template you have configured in the Data Capture Templates view, but you can also specify that it is available instead of the default in the Data Roundtrip view.

Three different types of data capture templates are available in the Extended Data Capture Templates functionality.