Go to Account Management > User Administration. Click New > Create New User and fill in the fields:
First Name: Enter the user’s first name. You may enter up to 128 characters.
Name: Enter the user’s family name. You may enter up to 128 characters.
User Name: Enter a name that the user must enter when logging in to Alfabet. Because the user name required for login is not case-sensitive, the user name will be saved to the database in upper-case letters.
Phone: Enter a telephone number where this user can be reached.
Enforce Password Change: If you select this checkbox, the user must change their password during the first login. The checkmark will automatically be removed from the Enforce Password Change checkbox after the user has changed the password. This is only relevant for users that are managed in Alfabet and login to Alfabet via standard login. This not relevant for users whose passwords are managed by single sign-on or Windows sign-on.
Type Select NamedUser . Every user of the type NamedUser must be assigned at least one user profile.
Is Alfabet-Managed User: Set the checkbox if the user should log in with use name and password. Clear the checkbox if user login should be managed by a single sign-on mechanism.
User Profiles: Assign at least one user profile to the user. Depending on the user's responsibilities, you can assign more than one user profile. The user profile will determine the functionalities and views that a user can see as well as whether they have read-only vs. read/write permissions to the objects they see. Click here to see an overview of available user profiles
Portfolio Admin
This user profile is for superusers who are responsible to complete administrative tasks. It provides exclusive access to views that are required for user and account management, data import, administrative jobs, and configuration. All functionalities, views, and data in Alfabet available to other user profiles are also available to the Portfolio Admin user profile. A user with this user profile has read/write permissions to all data in the repository regardless of object authorization. Users with the Portfolio Admin user profile have the initial task to set up user accounts, configure relevant evaluation data that is not included in the standard product, and import data to the repository. This should typically be complete before other users in the user community access Alfabet with other user profiles.
Portfolio Manager
This user profile is for users who are responsible to input, maintain and analyze data relevant for IT portfolio management. It includes the data capture and maintenance views available to application managers and technology managers as well as data workbenches to capture and analyze data for all object classes in Alfabet. In addition, the Portfolio Manager user profile provides access to analytics based on relevant business questions. Users can view all assets in the repository and have read/write permissions to all assets that they have authorized access to via the authorized user or authorized user group definition. Click to understand the tasks relevant for the Portfolio Manager user profile.
object class
Alfabet is based on a class model that includes classes like Application, Business Capability, Component. etc. Each object is an instantiation of its object class. For example, an application like SAP@CRM System is an instantiation of the class Application.
authorized user
An authorized user has primary responsibility to maintain the data for an object. Typically this is the user that has created the object. The authorized user as well as members of authorized user groups have write permissions to objects they are responsible for.
authorized user group
An authorized user group is a set of users that have been granted write permissions to an object. More than one authorized user group may be specified for an object.
Application Manager
This user profile is for users who are responsible for capturing and maintaining data relevant for application portfolio management. Applications can be added to the IT repository and associated with existing data in the business, information, and technology architectures. Users have read/write permissions to assets that they have authorized access to via the authorized user or authorized user group definition. Click to understand the tasks relevant for the Application Manager user profile.
Technology Manager
This user profile is for users who are responsible for capturing and maintaining data relevant for technology portfolio management. Components can be added to the IT repository. Users have read/write permissions to objects that they have authorized access to via an authorized user group definition. Click to understand the tasks relevant for the Technology Manager user profile.
authorized user group
An authorized user group is a set of users that have been granted write permissions to an object. More than one authorized user group may be specified for an object.
Portfolio Analyst
This user profile is for users who are interested in seeing up-to-date analytics about the IT portfolio in order to understand the most business-relevant questions and make informed strategic decisions. Users can view all business questions and have read-only access permissions to all assets in the repository.Click to understand the tasks relevant for the Portfolio Analyst user profile.
Resource Manager
This user profile is for users that are responsible for maintaining the data relevant for project portfolio management and provides complete transparency of offered and requested resources across teams and organizations. Users can manage the availability and consumption of skills by organizations, teams, and projects, understand expected resource constraints at any point in time, and track transformation projects including when they shall start and end and who the responsible project manager and architect are. Click to understand the tasks relevant for the Resource Manager user profile .
Can Execute Batch Jobs: Select the checkbox if the user may execute batch utilities designed to access the Alfabet database in stand-alone or remote mode. Access to batch utilities should only be allowed for administrators.
Exclude from Anonymization: Select the checkbox if the user should be excluded from any data anonymization actions.
Password Expiration Date: Enter an expiration date for the password. The user’s password will expire on this date and the user will need to define a new password to access Alfabet.
Email: Enter the user's email address.
Email Notification Language: Select the language to be used for the text messages in automatically-generated email notifications. The default language is English.