What is our demand pipeline?
The business question What is our demand pipeline? allows you to manage the demand funnel so that you have up-to-date information about your company's priorities.
The business question visualizes the demand pipeline based on their statuses and priorities. A Kanban report lets you move demands to different lanes that indicate the different stages of approval. A doughnut chart helps you to understand demands based on their criticality for your company. Review the demands early in the change process to streamline and control future workloads and ensure an optimal allocation of resources in the enterprise.
The license package Strategic Portfolio Management is required to work with this business question.
Demands by Status: The lanes indicate the value of the Status attribute defined for demands. The demands are colored based on Priority attribute.
- Drag the demand to a lane to redefine the Status attribute and move it forward in the approval process.
- Create a new demand by clicking in the relevant status lane (like New ) and click the
plus sign button. Give the demand a name and be sure to specify the Status, Priority, Classification, Target Date, and Requesting Organization fields to have meaningful data for this business question.
Demand by Priority: Shows demands based on the definition of the Priority attribute. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the number of demands with that priority. Click a doughnut slice to open a data workbench showing all demands with the priority. You can edit a demand's Priority attribute directly in the data workbench.
The following data is required about demands in order to have meaningful results:
- Every demand should have the Status, Priority, and Classification attributes defined. Additionally, the Requesting Organization should also be defined.
- If a project has already been created to realize the demand, the project should be assigned to the demand. This can be done in the demand content area > Overview > Assigned to Project attribute.
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.
Go to the Data Source page to review the demands that are used to answer the business question. The data source is a list report and cannot be edited.