Who is responsible for our assets?
The business question Who is responsible for our assets? shows which users and organizations have a functional role for each asset in the repository.
Use the filters to find assets that are not assigned to any role at all or to review the assets assigned to a specific role. Fix missing role definitions on the spot to improve data quality, ensure accountability for your IT assets, and close the gaps on data responsibility.
The business question shows a bar chart and data set showing role information. Here's how to interpret the information:
- The Responsibility Distribution chart shows the distribution of responsibility for assets across roles.
- The Y-axis displays the class name of assets and the name of the role type. For example, Application - Stakeholder shows a bar for applications that have a person or organization with the role Stakeholderspecified.
- The X-axis shows the percentage of assets in the class that have the role type specified. If the tooltip on a bar shows Application - Stakeholder, 95, then 95% of all applications in repository have either a person or organization specified with the role Stakeholder. Double-click a bar in the bar chart to open a view listing all assets with the class/role type. The view that opens allows you to specify users or organizations for the specified role as well as to specify other roles for an asset in the view.
- The Asset Responsibilities view displays a list of all assets that are in the repository and the responsibilities defined for each asset. Click the caption Asset Responsibilities to drill down to the view and specify roles for an asset.
- Click the
global filter button and select only a sub-set of classes or roles to display a more manageable amount of data in the Responsibility Distribution chart and Asset Responsibilities views. Switch on Assets Without Roles to find missing role definitions.
Users, organizations, and your company's assets must be in the repository. Responsibilities should be specified for each asset to have meaningful results for this business question.
This is usually specified in the content area of an asset via Overview > Responsibilities. The roles that can be defined for users or organizations are based on preconfigured or custom role types.
Go to the Data Quality page and resolve the issues to ensure that the data is complete.