What information is displayed in What is our OPEX distribution?

Cards showing application costs: Point to the RescanIndicators rescan button to see when the indicator was last updated. Click the button to rescan the costs based on the most recent data.

Application Cost by Cost Type: Shows the distribution of the current year operational costs for planned and active applications based on cost type. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the percentage of operational costs for the cost type. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a report showing all applications with a cost specified for that cost type.

Application Cost by Development Type: Shows the distribution of the current year operational costs for planned and active applications based on the development type of the applications. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the percentage of applications with the development type. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a report slowing all applications and their costs for that development type.

25 Most-Costly Applications: Shows a bar chart with the most expensive applications for the current year. Each bar shows a break down of the costs based on cost type.