Capture virtual server data

Virtual servers are software assets classified as devices. Virtual servers run on physical servers which are located in different locations around the world. Documenting physical servers and their virtual servers and where they are located is critical for disaster recovery management.

In the navigation panel, click Technical Architecture > Virtual Servers.​ Per default, the data workbench displays only a set of basic attributes. You can add more columns to capture other attributes directly in the data workbench or you can navigate to a virtual server's content area and define it in more detail there. Click to learn about how to use data workbenches.

Add a new virtual server. Click the New button. The edit panel opens on the right where you can define basic data.

Edit an virtual physical server. Edit the virtual server directly in the data table. Or select the checkbox  DWB_Checkbox for the virtual server you want to edit and click the Edit  dlt-icon-edit_Teal button to open the edit panel.

Define the virtual server's basic data. All mandatory fields must be defined to create the virtual server and save it.