Business questions focused on Roadmapping

These business questions enable your company to coordinate IT change efforts so change is efficient and fast.



The business question What is our application landscape? provides a snapshot of the application landscape and the business capabilities they support. The visualization allows you to understand the current and planned application support to the business over time. Analyze the current and planned application landscape based on different indicators to identify potential risks to your IT portfolio roadmap as well as rationalization opportunities for your business.

Click for details about how to work with the business question What is our application landscape?


The business question What is our application roadmap? helps you understand the current and planned applications in the application roadmap. The visualization focuses on application lifecycles in order to understand which applications are approaching their end-of-life but have no successor applications planned. Review the application roadmap to identify gaps in application support and take corrective action for applications that are at risk.

Click for details about how to work with the business question What is our application roadmap?


The business question What is our target architecture? provides a high-level perspective of how IT supports the business and which organizations use an application to what purpose. The visualization shows the business support that is provided by applications to business capabilities and the organizations that use the applications. Review the dependencies between the organizations and business capabilities in your company and identify potential redundancies or gaps in business support.

Click for details about how to work with the business question What is our target architecture?


The business question What is our project portfolio roadmap? supports project planning and monitoring. The visualization highlights the overall time schedule, the achievement of project milestones, and the interdependencies between projects. Review the projects to understand changes as they occur so that you can react before a project becomes unmanageable and threatens to fail.

Click for details about how to work with the business question What is our project portfolio roadmap?