Create a widget card template

To configure a widget card template in Alfabet Expand:

  1. In Alfabet Expand, go to the Presentation tab.
  2. Right-click Widgets > New Adaptive Card Widget.
  3. Set the attributes:

    If you would like to do only minor changes to one of the standard widget card templates, you can right-click the standard widget card template and select Copy. Then right-click your new widget card template and select Paste. The attributes are then prefilled and only need to be adapted where required.

    • Caption: Define the caption users will see on the user interface. The caption should help the user understand the use case covered by the card. For example, the caption could indicate whether the card renders multiple numbers or a single number and whether it provides coloring capabilities dependent on value.
    • Content: Click the standard widget card template you would like to adapt. Open the editor of the Content attribute and copy the JSON code. Paste the JSON code to the Content attribute editor of your new widget card template. As soon as you close the editor, all binding expressions will be listed in the explorer as sub-nodes of your widget.
    •  Hint: Define a hint explaining the purpose of the card. Users selecting content for a content area can view the hint by hovering with the mouse over the information icon behind the card name.
    •  Is Workbench Card: Set this attribute to True if the widget card template shall be used as a template for card visualizations in data workbenches. Set it to False if the widget card template shall be used for indicator cards.
    • Type: Leave this value unchanged.
    • Group: Type text to create a folder node between the Widgets node and your widget cards template in the explorer. Alternatively, select one of the existing group folders to add the card to that folder.Select Indicator Cards to move the widget to the Indicator Cards folder under the Widgets explorer node and separate it from eventually existing Alfabet 10.x widgets of type View listed directly under the Widgets explorer node.

      If you have migrated an Alfabet 10.15.x database with widget definitions, these are listed directly under the root Widgets note. Make sure that these definition do not mix with your new widget card definitions.

    • Name: Enter a name that is used for the widget in the explorer. The name should not include special characters or whitespaces.
    • User Interface Group: Leave this field empty.
  4. Click one of the sub-elements for binding expressions and map the card binding expressions to content.