Specify a URL to the web-based online help
A web-based online help is available under a URL accessible to the Alfabet Web Application. You can provide a help URL using one of the following methods:
- Use the URL of the publicly available standard Alfabet online help: https://documentation.alfabet.com.
The URL must not end with a slash!
- Implement the standard help on a Web server in your company. The help files can be delivered on request by Alfabet BD GmbH. Use the internal URL ending with the afl-webhelp subfolder.
Create your own online help and implement it on a web server in your company. The help must have a subfolder for each language used for the Alfabet user interface. The subfolder names must be en for English, de for German, fr for French, pl for Polish, and pr for Portuguese. Provide the URL ending with the folder above the language subfolders.
The URL to the help server is specified in the Alfabet Administrator.
- In the Alfabet Administrator, click Alfabet Aliases in the explorer.
- In the table, click the server alias of the Alfabet Web Application and click the Edit button.
- In the Overview tab of the server alias editor, enter the URL in the Help Server field.
The URL must not end with a slash!
In addition to the Help Server field, you can also use the following fields to provide services via the Help button in the user interface.
Overview > Suggestions and Ideas URL: You can enter a URL to a portal for users to suggest changes. The link will then be available via the Help
on the user interface. The official Alfabet BD GmbH portal URL is https://alfabet-roadmap.ideas.aha.io/.
Overview > Report an Issue URL: You can enter a URL to a ticketing system to report issues. The link will then be available via the Help
on the user interface. The official Alfabet BD GmbH issue tracking system URL is https://bizzdesign.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/110/user/login?destination=portal%2F110.