What information is displayed in Who are our vendors?

Top 10 Vendors by Components: Shows the ten vendors providing the highest number of non-retired components. Point to a vendor name to display a tooltip with the number of components that the vendor provides. Double-click a vendor name in the report to go to its content area.

Applications Provided by Top 10 Vendors: Shows vendors that provide the most applications using the components provided by that vendor. The analysis is based on all non-retired applications using non-retired components. Point to a doughnut slice to display a tooltip with the number of applications that the vendor provides. Double-click a doughnut slice to open a data workbench showing all applications provided by the vendor.

Vendors Providing End-of-Life Components: Focuses on vendors supporting components that are no longer used in the company.

Business Critical Vendors: Visualizes critical business capabilities per vendor.

Vendors Supporting IT Capabilities: Shows vendors and the IT capabilities they support.