How are Cloud Readiness and Cloud Relevance computed in What are our cloud focus areas?
Applications that do not have the required Cloud Readiness and Cloud Relevance scores are not evaluated and thus not included in the business question.
The Cloud Readiness score is based on the indicators for the application's end-of-life, architecture type, license portability, peaks in workload, server types that the application is hosted on, authentication mode, and the number of interfaces.
Here's how the indicators are weighted for Cloud Readiness:
- Application End of Life: 0 = Less than one year / 1 = 13 to 18 months / 2 = 19 to 24 months / 3 = 25 to 30 months / 4 = 31 to 36 months / 5 = More than 3 years
- Architecture Type: 0 = unknown / 1 = Mainframe / 2 = Distributed / 3 = Client Server / 4 = Stand Alone / 5 = Cloud Based ext. Webpage
- License Portability: 0 = Unknown / 1 = No / 3 = Yes
- Peaks in Workload: 0 = Unknown / 2 = No / 4 = Yes (Exceptionally) / 4 = Yes (Regularly)
- Server Types: 0 = No Server / 2 = Only Physical Servers / 3 = Virtual & Physical Servers / 5 = Only Virtual Servers
- Authentication: 0 = Unknown / 1 = Multi-Factor & SSO / 2 = Multi-Factor / 3 = SSO / Basic Access / 4 = Autonomous / 5 = No Authorization
- # Interfaces: Computed indicator that depends on the number of local components used by an application.
Here's how the indicators are weighted for Cloud Relevance:
- Application End of Life: 0 = Less than one year / 1 = 13 to 18 months / 2 = 19 to 24 months / 3 = 25 to 30 months / 4 = 31 to 36 months / 5 = More than 3 years
- Subject to Compliance Regulation: 1 = Subject to compliance regulation / 5 = Not subject to compliance regulation
- Business Relevance: 0 = Unknown / 1 = Business Operating / 2 = Business Enabling / 3 = not applicable / 4 = Business Evolving / 5 = Mission Critical