Data requirements for "Who are our vendors?"
The business question Who are our vendors? provides an overview of the vendors that support your IT portfolio.
To have meaningful data for the business question, you must capture data for vendors as well as the components they provide, the applications that use the components, and the business capabilities that the applications support.
Class | Attribute | Mandatory | Explanation |
Application |
Name |
Necessary for the visualization. |
Version |
Necessary for the visualization. |
Object State |
Describes the operational status of the application. Applications with a retired object state are ignored. |
Business Capability |
Level ID |
Indicates the hierarchical number of the business capability in the business capability hierarchy. |
Name |
Business Relevance |
x |
Indicates how relevant the business capability is for the business. |
Application |
x |
Application providing the business capability |
Local Component |
Application |
The local component is used by the application it belongs to. |
Component |
The component that the local component is derived from. |
Component |
Name |
Version |
Object State |
Describes the operational status of the component. |
Lifecycle |
x |
The component lifecycle begins with the start date and concludes with the end date. |
Vendor |
x |
The vendor providing the component. |
Vendor |
Name |
This is necessary for the visualization. |