Configuring a reference-based data capture template

A row will be added to the XLSX file for each existing instance of the ReferenceArray property specified in the reference-based data capture template. A column will be added to the XLSX file for the base class and the reference class of the ReferenceArray property.

To create a reference-based data capture template:

  1. Go to Data Import > Data Capture Templates.
  2. Click New > Create New Data Capture Template..

    You can create a copy of an existing data capture template via New > Create Data Capture Template as Copy. The fields defined in the data capture template will be copied to the new data capture template. For a reference-based data capture template, the Base Class field will be copied and cannot be edited but all other aspects of the data capture template may be modified, as needed.

  3. In the Stereotype Selector, select Reference-Based Data Capture Template. The Data Capture Template - Reference Arrays editor opens.
  4. In the Data Capture Template - Reference Arrays editor, define the following fields:
    • Name: (Mandatory) Provide a meaningful name for the data capture template.
    • File Name Base: Provide a string that will be used as the first part of the file name of the file that is generated based on the data capture template. The string will be appended with a GUID to assure that the file name is unique.
    • Release Status: Select a predefined release status for the data capture template.
    • Base Class: (Mandatory) Select the base class of the reference that will be captured in the data capture template. Only object classes for which the Enable for Data Capture Templates attribute is set to True will be available in the drop-down list.
    • Reference Array Property: (Mandatory) Select the property of the type ReferenceArray for which data shall be captured. Only object classes for which the Enable for Data Capture Templates attribute is set to True will be available in the drop-down list.
    • Reference Class: (Mandatory) Select the class that is the target of the reference that will be captured in the data capture template. Only properties of the type ReferenceArray for which the Enable for Data Capture Templates attribute is set to True will be available in the drop-down list.
    • Base Class Filter Type: Select All to export all objects of the class specified in the Base Class field, select Stereotype to export all objects of the object class stereotype that you will specify in the Base Class Stereotype field, or select Report to specify all objects found by the configured report that you will specify in the Base Class Filter field.
    • Base Class Filter: If you have selected Report in the Base Class Filter Type field, select the configured report that shall find the base objects of the reference. The objects found by the configured report can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file.
    • Base Class Stereotype: If you have selected Stereotype in the Base Class Filter Type field, select the object class stereotype of the base objects of the reference. The objects based on the specified stereotype will be sorted lexicographically and can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file.
    • Reference Class Filter Type: Select All to export all objects of the class specified in the Reference Class field, select Stereotype to export all objects of the object class stereotype that you will specify in the Reference Class Stereotype field, or select Report to specify all objects found by the configured report that you will specify in the Reference Class Filter field.
    • Reference Class Filter: If you have selected Report in the Reference Class Filter Type field, select the configured report that shall find the objects targeted by the reference. The objects found by the configured report can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file. The entire reference array will be validated against the configured report specified in the Reference Class Filter attribute. The first record matching the reference class filter is displayed in the reference array property in the XLSX file.
    • Reference Class Stereotype: If you have selected Stereotype in the Reference Class Filter Type field, select the object class stereotype of the objects targeted by the reference. The objects based on the specified stereotype will be sorted lexicographically and can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file.
    • Base Class Column Label: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header for the base class of the reference in the XLSX file.
    • Base Class Column Edit Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the base class of the reference in the XLSX file. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
    • Reference Class Column Label: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header for the referenced class of the reference in the XLSX file.
    • Reference Class Column Edit Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the referenced class of the reference in the XLSX file. If no hint is defined, the value specified for the Hint attribute of the property that is referenced will be displayed. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
    • Sample Record Provider: Sample data may be exported to the XLSX file to provide examples of existing data for users to understand how to create new data in the XLSX file. The sample data is exported to a Sample Data tab in the XLSX file where users can experiment with the data. The sample data will not be reimported to Alfabet and therefore the Alfabet database will not be impacted by changes made to the sample data. Select a configured report to populate a set of sample data in the XLSX file.
    • Permitted Operations: (Mandatory) Specify the operations that shall be permissible in the XLSX file. Each row in the Operations column will have a drop-down list that allows the user to specify which operation shall be applied to the record. The following operations are permissible.
      • Update: Allows one or more properties, role types, indicator types, or lifecycle phases to be modified for the object.
      • Delete: Allows the entire object to be deleted.
      • No Change: Allows no modification to be made to the object. Please note that if No Change is not selected, users must modify the record in some way.
    • Primary Language: (Mandatory) Select the primary language to be used to generate the information in the XLSX file. If a primary language other than English is specified for the data capture template, the data in the XLSX file will be displayed in the specified language if a translation is available for the string. Date property values will be generated in the XLSX file based on the format configured for the specified primary language.
    • Max. Number of Rows: Enter the maximum number of records that may be imported via the XLSX file. The number of valid records starting with the first valid record in the XLSX file will be imported.
    • Allow Delta Objects: Set a checkmark to allow objects not listed in the drop-down lists for the base class or referenced class to be specified in the XLSX file. This allows objects to be specified for the base class or referenced class that did not exist at the time that the XLSX file was generated but have in the meantime been added to the Alfabet database. The user must type in the exact name of the object as it is defined in Alfabet in order for the reference to be valid. If the name is correctly entered for the object, the reference will be created upon import of the XLSX file. If the name is not spelled correctly, the reference cannot be created and the record will be discarded as an invalid reference value.
    • Status Report Scope: Specify which type of records shall be displayed in the status report (XLSX file) that provides information about the results of the import. The following is possible:
      • Total Records: Select if all processed and discarded records shall be included in the status report. The discarded records displayed in the status report can be corrected and reimported to the Alfabet database.
      • Processed Records: Select if only records that were successfully imported shall be included in the status report.
      • Discarded Records: Select if only records that failed the validation process and were discarded during the import shall be included in the status report. The discarded records displayed in the status report can be corrected and reimported to the Alfabet database.
  5. Click the OK button to save the data capture template configuration and close the editor.
Configuring a reference-based data capture template