Learn the basics about data import
Before you begin the process of data import, you should clear your current database of any example data that was delivered with Alfabet FastLane. Click for details about how to clear the example data from the database.
As the portfolio administrator, you typically will be tasked with getting the initial data about your enterprise's IT portfolio in the Alfabet FastLane database. Only a user with the Portfolio Admin user profile can generate XLSX files to capture data and import those files back to Alfabet FastLane. Users must have a spreadsheet program available to process the XLSX files. The same XLSX file that is exported from Alfabet FastLane must be used to capture and import the data to Alfabet FastLane.
Google Sheets™ is currently not compatible with the exported XLSX structure, but solutions are being investigated.
The Data Import section in the left navigation panel has two functionalities relevant to data import:
- The Data Roundtrip view provides an easy-to-use overview of the meta-model and how object classes stand in relation to each other. Here you can select the object classes and references that you want to capture data for as well as generate and import the XLSX files with the data.
- The Data Capture Templates view is for more advanced users and allows you to configure data capture templates that determine the data that shall be captured in the XLSX files.
The following describes the general process and important requirements for importing and exporting XLSX files described below: