Update a database from an AMM File

A mechanism is available that allows the customer configuration to be saved and restored in another database independent of other parts of the database:

The customer configuration store and optionally the solution store can be saved to an AMM updater file. The updater file allows the configuration of a target database to either be merged or replaced by the configuration stored in the AMM updater file.

AMM update files are also used during upgrades to a new Alfabet release to apply changes to the official metamodel to the customer database.

  • Always back up the target database prior to updating the meta-model with configurations stored in an AMM file! If the process fails, this may disrupt database integrity.
  • The command line tool AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe cannot be used for update of the meta-model for migration from Alfabet 10.15.x to Alfabet 11. Update of the meta-model must be performed in the Alfabet Administrator tool.

To update the meta-model with the configurations in an AMM file, use the following command line for the AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe:

The table below displays the command line options:

Command Line Option Mandatory/ Default Explanation
-db_update <AMM file> Mandatory Update of the configuration in the target database must be defined with the parameter -db_update followed by the name of the AMM file containing the configuration that shall be integrated into the Alfabet database on the database server.
-msalias <alias name> Mandatory Enter the server alias name as specified in the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file for access to the database.
-msaliasesfile <Alfabet configuration file path> Optional If the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file that contains the specification of the alias is not located in the same directory as the executable, the path to the AlfabetMS.xml file must be specified with this parameter.
-DbUser <database user name> Mandatory Database user name for access to the Alfabet database on the database server.

If the access mode to the Alfabet database is Windows Authentication, the command line option -DbUser must be defined without a value for the user name and -DbPassword is not required.

-DbPassword <database user password> Optional Password for access to the Alfabet database on the database server.