Start the command line tool
Several batch utilities are available that must be executed to activate some Alfabet functionalities to enhance the usability of particular Alfabet functionalities or to update data in the Alfabet database. Please note however that it is recommended to schedule batch processing via the Job Schedule functionality on the Alfabet user interface which allows regular execution of batch jobs without running a separate executable.
The following applies to all batch utilities:
- By default, the executables for batch job processing are all located in the Programs sub-directory of the Alfabet installation directory.
- All executables have a mandatory configuration file named <executable name>.exe.config which must be located in the same directory as the executable to execute batch jobs.
- Executables for batch jobs can be started in a command line or by means of a Windows® batch job.
When executing a Windows batch job, the execution time for a batch job is defined with the help of the Windows scheduler for batch jobs. When starting the executable with a command line, the batch job is executed immediately.
- The command line options for the tools are listed in the following with the description of the individual tools. If a command line option that requires a parameter definition and the parameter includes whitespace, the parameter must be written in inverted commas, e.g.
- Executable.exe -statement "this is the statement"