Create an AMM File
A mechanism is available that allows the customer configuration to be saved and restored in another database independent of other parts of the database.
The customer configuration store and optionally the solution store can be saved to an AMM updater file. The updater file allows the configuration of a target database to either be merged or replaced by the configuration stored in the AMM updater file.
Reference data and assemblies cannot be added to an AMM file using AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe. To create an AMM file containing reference data and assemblies, the AMM generation options available in the tool Alfabet Expand must be used.
To store the complete meta-model configuration of the current database to an AMM file, use the following command line for the AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -msalias <alias name> -alfaLoginName <username> -alfaLoginPassword <password> -mm_create_update -MmUpdateName <update caption in AMM> -MmUpdateDescription <update description in AMM> -MmUpdateOutputFile <AMM file Name>
To store all meta-model configuration objects tagged with defined tags to an AMM file, use the following command line for the AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -msalias <alias name> -alfaLoginName <username> -alfaLoginPassword <password> -mm_create_update_by_tag -MmUpdateTags <tag name> -MmUpdateName <update caption in AMM> -MmUpdateDescription <update description in AMM> -MmUpdateOutputFile <AMM file Name>
The AMM file editor contains an export option generating a JSON file with information about the supposed AMM content. This JSON file does not include specific AMM content, but the information about the settings in the AMM editor. For example if the current settings AMM file editor specify that configured reports and publications shall be stored in the AMM file, the JSON contains the information that these objects shall be included. It does not include information about the configured reports and publications available in the database:
- {
- "Name": "Daily reports update",
- "Description": "this is an export of reports and publications",
- "CaseSensitive": 0,
- "RemoveConfig": false,
- "RemoveAllGuidePages": false,
- "RemoveTags": [],
- "MigrateWorkflows": false,
- "IsPrimaryConfig": false,
- "IgnoreCaseSensitivity": false,
- "MetaModelInfo": {
- "Tags": [],
- "ContainsEnvOptions": true,
- "ContainsMultiCultures": false,
- "ContainsAPICultures": false,
- "ContainsClassModel": false,
- "ContainsPresentationModel": false,
- "ContainsIcons": false,
- "ContainsDiagrams": false,
- "ContainsReports": true,
- "ContainsPublications": true,
- "ContainsWorkflows": false,
- "ContainsADIFSchemes": false,
- "ContainsDbExtensions": false,
- "ContainsVocabularies": false,
- "ContainsReferenceData": false,
- "ContainsEventTemplates": false,
- "ContainsLicTemplates": false,
- "ContainsResourceBundles": false,
- "ContainsDataWorkbenches": false
- },
- "GuidePages": [],
- "GuideViews": []
- }
If you change the JSON via a text editor, you can test the correctness via the import functionality in the AMM file editor. Import the file and check whether the correct settings in the editor are resulting from the import.
The exported JSON file can be used to execute the AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe for generation of an AMM file with the current objects in the source database available for the configuration objects defined in the JSON file only. If the configuration has changed during two runs of AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe, the generated AMM file for the same JSON will have a different content. Start AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe with the following command line to generate an AMM file with the subset of configuration defined via the JSON file:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -msalias <alias name> -alfaLoginName <username> -alfaLoginPassword <password> -mm_create_update -MmConfigFile <JSON configuration file name> -MmUpdateOutputFile <AMM file Name>
The table below displays the command line options:
Command Line Option | Mandatory/ Default | Explanation |
-mm_create_update / -mm_create_update_by_tag | Mandatory | The command line must include one of the following parameters according to the kind of AMM file that shall be created:
-msalias <alias name> | Mandatory | Enter the server alias name as specified in the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file for access to the database. |
-msaliasesfile <Alfabet configuration file path> | Optional | If the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file that contains the specification of the alias is not located in the same directory as the executable, the path to the AlfabetMS.xml file must be specified with this parameter. |
-alfaLoginName <Alfabet user name> | Mandatory | Alfabet user name for login.
A user can only execute a batch job if the Can Execute Batch Jobs checkbox is selected (=True) for the user. |
-alfaLoginPassword <Alfabet user password> | Optional | Alfabet user password for login. |
-MmUpdateName <update caption in AMM> | OptionalS | Specify a string that will be displayed as title of the meta-model update to the administrator performing a meta-model update on basis of this file. |
-MmUpdateDescription <update description in AMM> | Optional | Specify a string that will be displayed as description of the meta-model update to the administrator performing a meta-model update on basis of this file. |
-MmUpdateOutputFile <AMM file Name> | Mandatory | Specify the path to and name of the AMM file to be created. The file must have the extension .amm. |
-MmConfigFile <JSON configuration file name> | Optional | To limit the kind of configuration objects written to the AMM file to the configuration object types specified in a JSON configuration file with a structure described in the example above, add the name of the JSON configuration file with this parameter. |
-MMUpdateTags <comma-separated tag list> | Optional | To add only configuration objects that are tagged with defined configuration tags to the AMM file, specify the tag or tags with this parameter. If multiple tags shall be included, they must be specified as a comma-separated lists with no whitespaces between commas and tag names.
This parameter does not accept values defined in double quotes. A valid definition would be: