How to use content areas

Customizable content areas allow you to decide on the layout of the analytics and data you want to see. Content areas are available throughout Alfabet FastLane to present analytics about the IT architecture as a whole as well as detailed information about each asset in the IT portfolio. Content areas are used through Alfabet FastLane to display a set of analytics like those displayed for Home. They are also available for every asset and are a kind of fact sheet for the asset where data can also be maintained. You can navigate to content areas from data workbenches, business questions, and content areas.

The content area is displayed in the center pane in Alfabet FastLane and usually will have one or more tabbed pages. You can decide on the layout of the content area so that it is optimal for your screen size and reflect the information relevant to your needs. Entire tabbed pages in a content area can be hidden from view and the layout of embedded views in a tabbed page can be customized by changing their size, moving them around, or removing them from view in the tabbed page. Your layout will be saved for future sessions.
