Generate and change a server alias configuration with AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe
To create or alter a server alias, the alfabetms.xml configuration file must be located in the same folder as the command line tool AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe. The commands can be executed without providing a user name and password.
You can generate a server alias based on a template with the following command:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -create_msalias -msalias AliasName -alias_template TemplateName
- Alias Name: Name of the server alias that will be created.
- TemplateName: Name of the template for generation of the server alias. The following templates are available: System , ServerFastlane , or ServerEnterprise.
Altering values in a server alias is an existing functionality which has been enhanced with the following commands:
- Change the setting of the field Overview > Web Serverwith:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -edit_msalias_options -msalias AliasName -set_WebServer AlfabetWebApplicationURL
- Alias Name: Name of the existing server alias that will be changed.
- AlfabetWebApplicationURL: The URL of the Alfabet Web Application.
- Change the setting of the field Overview > REST API Server with:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -edit_msalias_options -msalias AliasName -set_HelpServer AlfabetApiServerURL
- Alias Name: Name of the existing server alias that will be changed.
- AlfabetApiServerURL: The URL of the Alfabet API server for execution of the Alfabet RESTful services.
- Change the setting of the field Overview > Help Serverwith:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -edit_msalias_options -msalias AliasName -set_HelpServer HelpURL
- Alias Name: Name of the existing server alias that will be changed.
- HelpURL: The URL of the online help ending with one level above the folder specifying the language. Enter to link to the official Alfabet online help.
The URL must not end with a slash!
- Change the setting of the License tab with:
- AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe -import_license -msalias AliasName --license_file Path to the license file
- Alias Name: Name of the existing server alias that will be changed.
- Path to the license file: The path to the license file delivered by Software GmbH.