Specify the servers that deploy the application

Physical servers and virtual servers must already be in the repository in order to specify which servers host the application. and.

Applications may be deployed on either virtual servers or physical servers. The virtual servers usually run on top of physical servers which are located in different locations around the world. Virtual servers are typically application servers or web servers.

In the data table, click the navigate Navigate button of the application you want to define. Go to the application's content area > Technology Context > Infrastructure Relations. In the Hosting Servers field, enter the name of the physical server or virtual server that hosts the application. Or click in the field to open the selector and find the server. Sort the servers based on the Stereotype column to understand which are physical servers and which are virtual servers. Click outside of the selector to close it and update the Infrastructure Relations field.

Go to the Deployment Structure view to understand the relationships between business capabilities, applications, servers, and locations.