Configure data capture templates to capture data (Advanced)

The Advanced Data Capture view allows you to configure data capture templates to capture data for each relevant object class, reference array as well as application costs and project costs. This process is involved and requires a good understanding of the class model and how classes reference other classes.

A data capture template must be explicitly configured for each object class, reference array, application cost type, and project cost type. You can generate an XLSX file for each data capture template you configure.

The first step to capture IT portfolio data is to add users, user groups, and organizations. This allows you to specify access permissions to objects as well as the users or organizations that have a functional responsibility for the objects. Users and user groups may already exist in the database if they were defined in the Manage User Access view.

It is recommended that you import data in the following sequence:

  1. user (class Person )
  2. user group
  3. organization
  4. location
  5. vendor
  6. IT capability
  7. physical server
  8. business capability
  9. component
  10. business data
  11. virtual server
  12. application group
  13. application
  14. information flow

In order to delete example data provided with Alfabet FastLane, you can export the data capture template for a selected object class or relationship. For each object that should be deleted, select Delete in the Operation column of the XLSX file.