Get Started with Alfabet FastLane

Welcome to Alfabet FastLane !

Alfabet FastLane can help you navigate the complexity of enterprise architecture management and turn unanswered questions into meaningful business insights. The solution provides answers to the most important business relevant questions to deliver value quickly. By helping you to understand where to focus your change efforts, Alfabet FastLane can support rapid growth and maturity in the execution of your company's IT strategy.

Alfabet FastLane enables you to make informed business decisions about your IT architecture based on up-to-date and accurate data. The functional scope of Alfabet FastLane includes all administrative functionalities to get you started as well as the views and analytics required for the data capture, maintenance, and analysis needed for Application Portfolio Management and Technology Portfolio Management.

Powerful and smart data workbenches enable you to capture and maintain data about your IT architecture as a single source of truth in the company. Poor data quality is highlighted so that it is immediately apparent if data quality is an issue. This ensures that issues are quickly fixed so that the data source for analytical views is up-to-date and accurate.

Based on your data source, out-of-the-box analytics provide meaningful insight to business-critical issues relevant to the seamless operation of your business. Each report is focused on a business question that allows you to understand the state of your as-is architecture, cost-drivers, interdependencies between critical applications and technology, where technology failure might put your business at risk, and more. This information enables you to pinpoint problems in the IT and decide which IT to retire, where to invest, and which IT assets to migrate to the cloud.

With Alfabet FastLane, you can rapidly capture, analyze, and manage a consolidated IT architecture and thereby increase the maturity of your enterprise architecture management efforts. The data and analytics documented in Alfabet FastLane can be migrated to Alfabet FastLane Accelerator or integrated in Alfabet FastLane Enterprise Edition for complete enterprise architecture management and IT portfolio management.

About this release Alfabet FastLane release 11.3 IR is an Innovation Release. .

This user guide provides information about how to use Alfabet FastLane including basic concepts and instructions on how to use the functionalities. Information about how to set up Alfabet FastLane for the user community and carry out administrative tasks is described in the section Portfolio Admin user profile: Let's get started. The following information describes the methodology and tasks relevant for users with a specified user profile: