Configure indicator types for relevant classes

In Alfabet FastLane, users can evaluate different aspects about the performance of objects. To evaluate an object, the user sets an indicator for a specific object and indicator type in a data workbench or an evaluation view. For example, a Criticality indicator can be set for an application. The user could set the indicator to a number in a range from 1 - 5 whereby 1 is the highest and 5 the lowest.

Indicator types required to work with business questions are predefined in Alfabet FastLane. In addition, you can define indicator types required for the business cases of your company. Indicator types are grouped in evaluation types. Evaluation types structure the indicator types for the user in evaluation views. All indicator types for the evaluation of a specific aspect of the business shall be grouped under an evaluation type with a title informing the user about the evaluated topic. For example, the pre-defined evaluation group Business Score groups all indicator types to evaluate the importance of the application for the business, like Business Relevance and Number of Users.

Indicator types are assigned to object classes by assigning the evaluation type they are grouped in to the object class. If an evaluation type is assigned to an object class, users will be able to set indicators for all indicator types of the evaluation type in data workbenches and evaluation views for this object class. You can view the results of the evaluation using the visualization capabilities of data workbenches.

The definition of new indicator types requires configuration steps for evaluation type specification, indicator type definition and assignment of the indicator type to one or multiple object classes: