What information is displayed in What are our most important projects?
This business questions shows the following business charts:
Business Owner: The portfolio shows organizations on the second level in the organization hierarchy based on the number of projects that the organization is responsible for. This includes the projects assigned to the subordinate organizations in the hierarchy. To understand how many projects are owned by an organization on a subordinate level in the organization hierarchy, click the
local filter button and specify the organization's name.
Project Group: The number of projects assigned to project groups on the first level of the project group. To understand how many projects are assigned to a project group on a subordinate level in the hierarchy, click the
local filter button and specify the project group's name.
- Business Capabilities: The bar chart displays business capabilities based on the number of projects that impact them directly or impact their subordinate business capabilities. Point to a bar to display a tooltip with the name of the business capability and the number of impacting projects. Click Business Capabilities to navigate to a larger view of the chart.
The Projects view is a master list showing all projects. For example, look for all projects where the RAG status is Red to understand whether the issue is due to missed deadlines, insufficient resources, or overspending. You can use all features of the data workbench to slice-and-dice your data to do the analyses you are interested in.Click here for details about how to take advantage of all functionalities of the data workbench.