What information is displayed in What is the status of our project portfolio?
The visualization is a Gantt chart that shows the lifecycles of all projects. Here's how to interpret the information:
- The rows show
programs and
- Columns show the total costs of the project's current year budget. Budget, Resources, and Time columns indicate whether projects are in good shape
or have a warning
or error
- Milestones are displayed on the timeline with traffic signal colors to indicate success, warning, or danger regarding their completion. Point to a milestone to display a tooltips with the milestone name and target date.
- The blue vertical line indicates the current date.
- Dependencies between projects are displayed as a black line that starts with a project's end date and points to the start of the dependent project. A dependency exists if a project must first be completed before another project can begin. Point to the black line to view a tooltip explaining the reason for the dependency and the start date of the dependent project.