The following issues are resolved:
- The keyboard shortcuts for the New button did not work.
- Only 40 objects were exported from a data workbench to Microsoft® Excel® or a comma-separated file format.
- The third-party component DevExpress® was upgraded to resolve visualization issues in data workbenches and editors that occurred after using the browser's back button.
- Not all indicator values were displayed in data workbenches. This fix is a resolution for ticket ASD-43.
- Indicator values were not displayed in the correct row after filters were changed in configured evaluation reports.
- If the default layout of a content area was changed only by rearranging content items, then the default layout was not saved to the AMM file and could not be updated to other Alfabet databases. This fix is a resolution for ticket SI-574778.
- It was not possible to navigate to views for objects in configured grid reports via the double-click action if the target view was not a content area.
- Data capture templates could not be saved after role types or extended attributes were selected in the data capture template editor.
- If the Alfabet user interface was rendered in Arabic, the six-dot symbol used to move content items in a content area was not correctly displayed.
- When the user interface was rendered in a language other than the primary language, placeholder texts in attribute fields displayed some text in the primary language.
- The standard class setting for the object class Policy was not visible in Alfabet Expand. This fix is a resolution for ASD-5825.
- Range definitions were not working for object class properties of the type Reference or ReferenceArray.
- If a custom editor was configured for a wizard step and this wizard was used for editing, the No Access setting for tabbed pages in the custom editor was not applied when the editor was rendered in the user interface.
- The Create Configuration Meta-Model Update dialog in Alfabet Expand was not correctly sized and fields were partially or completely hidden.
- The response mapping dataset was not correctly displayed in the Generic API Integration Filter Assistant.
- Restore of an ADBZ file to an empty database via AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe failed.
- Upgrade of a Alfabet 10.15.4 database to Alfabet 11 failed if the database contained data workbenches as part of object views.
- The default installation folder for Alfabet releases has been changed from SoftwareAG to Bizzdesign.