Create a User
- Click the New
button and select Create User. A window opens. Enter information in the fields, as needed:
Basic Data tab:
- First Name: Enter the user’s first name. You may enter up to 128 characters.
- Name: Enter the user’s family name. This name is used for the definition of authorized users of objects, contact persons, owners of assignments, etc. You may enter up to 128 characters.
- Technical Name: If necessary, enter a technical name for the user. If the Alfabet Web Application is configured to use the Technical Name attribute rather than the Name attribute for users, then your enterprise should define a technical name for all users.
- Phone: Enter a telephone number where this user can be reached. The user can change or update the phone number in the Personal Info functionality available in the <Alfabet User Name> menu.
- Password Expiration Date: Enter an expiration date for the password. The user’s password will expire on this date and the user will need to define a new password to access Alfabet.
- Change Password: If you select this checkbox, the user must change his/her password during the first login. The user can subsequently change his/her password as needed by means of the Change Password functionality in the <UserName> menu.
- Type: The user type specifies the available access permissions. Select NamedUser . Users of the type NamedUser must be assigned at least one user profile (with either ReadWrite or ReadOnly access permissions). You can assign NoAccess to remove the access permissions from a user.
The user type Anonymous is used only for users that are automatically generated during login with single-sign on mechanisms. If the Type attribute is specified as Anonymous for a user, the system administrator should consider whether that user should be changed to a user of the type NamedUser . Anonymous users have ReadOnly access permissions via the user profile specified for anonymous users.
- User Name: Enter a name that the user must enter when logging in to Alfabet. Because the user name required for login is not case-sensitive, the user name will be saved to the database in uppercase letters.
- General User Permissions: Define the following user permissions for the user:
- Can Execute Batch Jobs: Select the checkbox if the user may execute batch utilities designed to access the Alfabet database in stand-alone or remote mode. Access to batch utilities should only be allowed for administrators.
- Has Access to Diagram Designer: Select the checkbox if the user may access the tool Alfabet Diagram Designer.
- Exclude from Anonymization: Select the checkbox if the user may not be anonymized by means of the data anonymization capability.
- Is User Assistant: This functionality is currently not in use.
Mandates tab: Select a checkbox to assign one or more mandates to the selected user. Typically a user will be assigned only one mandate. The user will be able to view only objects that have been assigned to his/her mandate. The first mandate checked in the Mandates tab of the User editor is, by default, the mandate automatically used at login. A user can change mandates at anytime during their Alfabet session.
Select the checkbox for the Mandate Master attribute to specify the selected user as a mandate master. A user that has the Mandate Master attribute checked can view any object regardless of its mandate.
API Permissions tab:
- Has API V2 Access: Select the checkbox if the user may send requests to the Alfabet RESTful API V2. These settings are only required for a user that is technically used by a RESTful client for authorization against the RESTful interface of Alfabet Web Application, version 2. The Has API V2 Access checkbox should be deselected for security reasons for all other users.
Alfabet Expand Permissions tab:
- Has Access to Alfabet Expand: Select the checkbox if the user may access the configuration tool Alfabet Expand. Access to Alfabet Expand should only be allowed for solution designers and administrators. The Type field in the Basic Data tab must be set to NamedUser in order to allow access to Alfabet Expand. You should specify the individual functionalities that the user can work with in the Expand Access Options field. For more information about the configuration capabilities available in Alfabet Expand, see the reference manual Configuring Alfabet with Alfabet Expand.
- Alfabet Expand Access Options: Select each checkbox to specify which functionalities the user should be allowed to access in the configuration tool Alfabet Expand. Only users of the type NamedUser may access Alfabet Expand, execute batch jobs, and access the Alfabet Diagram Designer.
Collaboration Data tab:
- Email: Enter the user’s email address. The email address is necessary for notification emails sent in the context of various Alfabet functionalities including, for example, assignments and monitors. Users can change or update the email address intheir user settings.
- Email Notification Language: Select the language to be used for the text messages in automatically-generated email notifications. The default language is English.
- MS Teams User Name / MS Teams User ID: Integration with Microsoft® Teams is currently not yet supported for Alfabet 11.
- Click OK to save the data or click Cancel to exit without saving your changes. The new user is now visible in the table.