Functionalities in connected aliases

When you connect to a server alias using the Connect functionality in the context menu of the server alias, the explorer node of the server alias is expanded, allowing the following tasks to be performed. Most of the tasks are currently not described in detail. Documentation will be amended in future releases.

Explorer Node Functionality
Authorization_Configuration  Domain Accessibility Configuration Configure authorization for Alfabet on a per domain or per user basis when using Windows sign-on. The settings are written to the alfabetMS.xml configuration file.
Folder_Closed  External Sources Configuration Configure the interface for data synchronization with data from external sources.
User_Management  User Management Configure new users and administrate user access to Alfabet functionalities.

Changes are written to the instance store of the Alfabet database.

XML_Objects  XML Objects The configuration of the solution environment is in many cases done by configuring XML objects. These XML objects are normally configured with the configuration tool Alfabet Expand. If required, XML objects can be configured to be visible and editable in the Alfabet Administrator. If the Visible In Administrator attribute of an XML object is set to True in Alfabet Expand, you can see the XML object in the expanded explorer node of server alias configurations and edit it with the Alfabet Administrator. It is recommended that the confguration tool Alfabet Expand is used to configure XML objects because of the advanced editing functionalities available.

Changes to any XML object are written to the customer configuration in the Alfabet database. They affect only those objects in the database that are created after the configuration change. Typically, XML configurations should be edited before entering any data in the database.

Job Schedules View log information of executed scheduled jobs.
Assemblies  Assemblies Upload assemblies provided by Alfabet BD GmbH to cover customer-specific demands. Changes are written to the solution store of the Alfabet database.