Anonymize object data

This functionality anonymizes all values for all object class properties configured to be anonymized in the Alfabet Meta-Model of the current Alfabet database.

Anonymizing data is a sensible process that might disrupt database integrity. It cannot be reverted! Always back up the  Alfabet database  prior to triggering data anonymization!

To anonymize all relevant data in an Alfabet database, use the following command line for the AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe:

The table below displays the command line options:

Command Line Option Mandatory/ Default Explanation
-db_anonymize_user Mandatory To anonymize user data for selected users in the Alfabet database, start the console application with
  • -db_anonymize_user
-userRefs <PersonREFSTR,PersonREFSTR> Mandatory Specify the value of the property REFSTR of the user that shall be anonymized. User data is stored in the object class Person . If the data of multiple users shall be anonymized, the REFSTR values can be listed comma-separated.

The REFSTR property is not displayed on standard views in Alfabet. To see the REFSTR of a user, you can define a configured report in Alfabet Expand or read the information via RESTful service requests.

-msalias <alias name> Mandatory Enter the server alias name as specified in the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file for access to the database.
-msaliasesfile <Alfabet configuration file path> Optional If the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file that contains the specification of the alias is not located in the same directory as the executable, the path to the AlfabetMS.xml file must be specified with this parameter.
-alfaLoginName <Alfabet user name> Mandatory Alfabet user name for login.

A user can only execute a batch job if the Can Execute Batch Jobs checkbox is selected (=True) for the user.

-alfaLoginPassword <user password> Optional Alfabet login password.