Set server variables

For an existing server alias configuration, a server variable can be changed or added via the command line tool AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe with the following command line:

For an existing server alias configuration, a server variable can be deleted via the command line tool AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe with the following command line:

The table below displays the command line options:

Command Line Option Mandatory/ Default Explanation
-editvariables Mandatory To change the variable definitions in the server alias configuration, the command line must contain the parameter:
  • -editvariables
-msalias <alias name> Mandatory Enter the server alias name as specified in the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file for access to the database.
-msaliasesfile <Alfabet configuration file path> Optional If the AlfabetMS.xml configuration file that contains the specification of the alias is not located in the same directory as the executable, the path to the AlfabetMS.xml file must be specified with this parameter.
-variable <variable name> Mandatory Specify the name of the server variable.

If a server variable with the specified name does not exist in the server alias, a new server variable will be created.

If a server variable with the specified name exists in the server alias, the value will be changed to the value defined with -value.

To delete an existing server variable, specify the existing server variable name with -variable and do not add a -value definition to the command line.

The variable name can only contain letters (of the English alphabet), numbers and underscore.

-value <variable value> Optional Specify the value for the server variable.

To delete an existing server variable, specify the existing server variable name with -variable and do not add a -value definition to the command line.

The following characters are not allowed in server variable values: " < >

These characters can be written as HTML code in the server variable value:

  • &gt; for >
  • &lt; for <
  • &quot; for "